Sly Johnson & Nicholas Vella

Picture of Sly Johnson by Alexandre Lacombe – picture of Nicholas Vella by Christophe Violand
Soul voice, hip-hop heart, beat-box champion, Sly Johnson is a must! Author, composer and performer of Saïan Supa Crew, the artist has since carried out numerous collaborations with artists such as: Camille, Erik Truffaz, Oxmo Puccino, Ayo, Lucky Peterson, Jacky Terrasson… Vocal and beat-box performances meet on jazz and soul rhythms! On stage, Sly Johnson leaves his machines in the studio to make room for the warmth and organic sound of Nicholas Vella’s keyboard. An abrasive groove then escapes, rich music at the crossroads of hip-hop and funk and mainly jazz! Sly Johnson, a regular on the scene, takes the spectators with extreme generosity into his musical universe, an irresistible performance!